Overcoming Software

Haskell Proposal: Simplify Deriving

Haskell’s type classes and deriving facilities are a killer feature for type safety and extensibility. Over nearly 30 years they’ve acquired quite a bit of cruft and language extensions. With DerivingVia, we now have the ability to dramatically simplify the deriving story.

This post outlines a change to the language that would hopefully be adopted with the next version of the language standard. They get less reasonable and more dramatic as the post goes on.

Add to the Stock Deriving Classes

GHC has a ton of extensions that only serve to unlock additional type classes to the “stock” deriving strategy. Derive{Functor,Foldable,Traversable,Generic,Lift,etc}. We can remove all of these extensions by folding them into the stock deriving strategy.

Remove DeriveAnyClass

DeriveAnyClass is a footgun. It allows you to write any type class in a deriving clause. It pastes in an “empty” instance, relying on DefaultSignatures to fill in the values.

-- With DeriveAnyClass:
data X = X
  deriving ToJSON

-- Without:
data X = X

instance ToJSON X

Remove DefaultSignatures

DefaultSignatures is used to give a single default implementation of a type class if the underlying type matches a more restrictive constraint. This is primarily used to provide Generic-based implementations with very little syntax.

data X = X deriving Generic

-- with DefaultSignatures:

class ToJSON a where
    toJSON :: a -> Value
    default toJSON :: (Generic a, GToJSON (Rep a)) => a -> Value
    toJSON = gtoJSON 

instance ToJSON X

-- without DefaultSignatures:

class ToJSON a where
    toJSON :: a -> Value

instance ToJSON X where
    toJSON = gtoJSON

By privileging a single default, it makes any other possible defaults less useful and less discoverable.

The DeriveAnyClass utility is subsumed by DerivingVia.

newtype Generically a = Generically a

instance (Generic a, GToJSON (Rep a)) => ToJSON (Generically a) where
    toJSON (Generically a) = gtoJSON a

data X = X 
    deriving stock Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically X

Remove GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving

This extension is subsumed by DerivingVia, also.

-- with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
newtype UserId = UserId Text
    deriving newtype (Show, ToJSON)

-- with DerivingVia
newtype UserId = UserId Text
    deriving (Show, ToJSON) via Text

Remove DerivingStrategies

Now that there’s only two strategies, we can get rid of DerivingStrategies.

-- Before
data X = X
    deriving stock (Show, Generic)
    deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via Generically X

-- After
data X = X
    deriving (Show, Generic)
    deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via Generically X

Allow wildcards in deriving clauses

Currently, you must write the complete type in a DerivingVia clause.

data X = X 
    deriving Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically X

newtype Y = Y Text
    deriving ToJSON via Text

This can be cumbersome for a very large type.

newtype App a = App (ExceptT () (StateT () (ReaderT () IO)) a)
        ( Functor
        , Applicative
        , Monad
        , MonadReader ()
        , MonadError ()
        , MonadState ()
        ExceptT () (StateT () (ReaderT () IO))

It’s also annoyingly repetitive, and can lead to errors.

data Foo = Foo 
    deriving Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically Foo

-- copy/paste error
data Bar = Bar
    deriving Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically Foo

A wildcard can be used to indicate either:

a. The underlying type of a newtype, or b. The type of the data declaration.

data Foo = Foo
    deriving Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically _

-- no more copy paste error
data Bar = Bar
    deriving Generic
    deriving ToJSON via Generically _

-- mmmm nice and clean
newtype App a = App (ExceptT () (StateT () (ReaderT () IO)) a)
        ( Functor
        , Applicative
        , Monad
        , MonadReader ()
        , MonadError ()
        , MonadState ()
      via _

Remove attached deriving

There are two ways to derive things: StandaloneDeriving and attached deriving. Attached deriving is redundant, but convenient. StandaloneDeriving is more powerful, but less convenient. Attached deriving clauses don’t work with GADTs.

-- Before:
data Foo = Foo
    deriving Generic
    deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via Generically _
newtype App a = App (ExceptT () (StateT () (ReaderT () IO)) a)
        ( Functor
        , Applicative
        , Monad
        , MonadReader ()
        , MonadError ()
        , MonadState ()
      via _

-- Only standalone:
data Foo = Foo

deriving instance Generic Foo
deriving via Generically _ instance ToJSON Foo
deriving via Generically _ instance FromJSON Foo

newtype App a = App ...

deriving via _ instance Functor App
deriving via _ instance Applicative App
deriving via _ instance Monad App
deriving via _ instance MonadReader () App
deriving via _ instance MonadError () App
deriving via _ instance MonadState () App

-- GADT must use standalone to specify a context
data Some f where
    Some :: Show a => f a -> Some f

deriving instance (forall a. Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (Some f)

Lightweight Standalone Syntax

The problem with the above proposal is that it carries a significant syntax cost. The keyword deriving is repeated for each instance, the keyword instance is repeated, the via _ clause is repeated, and the type name is repeated. Multiple instances should be derivable with the same context.

data Foo = Foo

deriving Foo 
    ( Generic
    , via 
        (Generically _)
        ( ToJSON
        , FromJSON

In this block, we define the ToJSON and FromJSON instances using the same Generically viatype. We can still use _ to refer to the type, since we know the type we’re deriving for: Foo. This recovers the syntax convenience of “attached deriving.”

newtype App a = App ...

deriving App
    via _
            ( Functor
            , Applicative
            , Monad
            , MonadReader ()
            , MonadError ()
            , MonadState ()

This also recovers the convenience of attached deriving. Let’s look at the main point - GADTs. Otherwise we could just remove StandaloneDeriving (with the nice benefit/tragedy of banning orphan derived instance).

data Some f where
    Some :: Show a => f a -> Some f

-- old
    instance (forall a. Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (Some f)

-- new
deriving Some
    (forall a. Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (_ f)

-- generally,
deriving SomeGadtType
    (SomeContextOn a b c) =>
        ( Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON
        (_ a b c)

The _ refers to the type name, without any variables applied. So you need to apply the type variables in the instance head. That’s a bit annoying, but maybe it’s fine

Remove Stock Deriving

GHC provides a newtype Stock a = Stock a that hooks in to DerivingVia somehow. Now we’re down to one deriving strategy.

data X = X

deriving X
    via Stock _
        ( Eq, Show, Generic )
    via Generically _
        ( ToJSON, FromJSON )

This “deprivileges” the Stock deriving classes.

Remove Standalone Deriving

OK, so maybe you don’t like getting rid of attached deriving. Let’s get rid of standalone deriving instead. We need StandaloneDeriving for two reasons:

  1. Orphan derived instances (shame on you)
  2. Specifying a context for GADTs and allow application of type variables
data Some f where
    Some :: Show a => f a -> Some f
        ( (forall a. Show a => Show (f a))
        , -- generally,
            (SomeContext f)

The type variable f is in scope from the data declaration.

EDIT: @quickdudley and @nnotm have correctly pointed out that you also want to be able to define instances of a class at the definition module of a class. These are perfectly valid instances, and so we must keep StandaloneDeriving.

Terrible Post Over

Alright, post is done. These ideas are certainly controversial and Bad, but man wouldn’t it be nice to have a simpler story around deriving and type class instances? The current story is so complex, and I think we can genuinely simplify Haskell-the-language by trimming some fat here.

EDIT: @i_am_tom posted a reference to the Concrete Class Dictionaries GHC proposal, which subsumes a lot of this.